Friday, March 18, 2011

About me...

My name is Farrah (inspired by Farrah Fawcett Majors, the original Charlie's Angel). I was born in Paris and came to England when I was 4, so technically yes, I am all Brit.

30 years old and born in 1980, I am an original and proud 80's child.

Fashion wise, anything 80s I love  - acid wash (my absolute fave ever),  lycra, skin tight jeans, mini skirts, shoulder pads, leopard print, lace, printed t shirts and jumpsuits. And of course the icons that go with it: Michael Jackson, Prince, Madonna, Wham, Dynasty and Dallas to name a few.

I remember at junior school my class mates, and even their mothers would ask where I got my clothes from (mostly C&A and Tammy Girl back then). One time I wore different colored fluorescent socks over black leggings (cringe) and the next day everyone was doing it. To date I still have no clue where I got these ideas from.

As I hit my late 20s I discovered my mother's wardrobe, sadly she had thrown out a lot of clothes when we moved back to the UK but I did manage to land myself a few of her clutch purses, my all time favorite blazer,  Louis Vuitton bowling bag and a few other items. I would have killed for the acid wash jumpsuit she has pictures of oh and the over sized silver metallic tiger print t shirt.

Lesson learnt: everything comes back in to fashion, only throw away what you really and truly believe you will never wear again!


At March 22, 2011 at 2:00 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can vivdly recall your retelling of how you single handedly reshaped the landscape of your junoir school by implementing the greatest trend to hit prepubescent London! Hats off to you and your acheivements and the many more to come.


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