Sunday, April 24, 2011

Coachella fashion

Ok, so after some serious lack of blogging I am back and on a summer high with soooo many topics to write about.

So first off, what everyone is talking about; Coachella. 

Sadly being unsure of my where abouts when the tickets came out I then missed out as they sold like hot cakes within the first 2 hrs of being online. indeed and it seems like everyone I know went and yes yes, this year was better than ever. 2012 will be the year I am no longer a Coachella virgin.

In Britain we are spoilt for festivals: Glasto, V, Wireless, SW4, Lovebox... all held throughout the summer. Whilst the artist line ups are pretty much set in stone, the English weather is however not. Making the oh so difficult task of finding the perfect festival outfit.

And yes, we all know that as well as the music, the outfit is equally as important to many along with the signature stunners, headband, redstripe and ciggie.

So here are some of my fave Coachella fashion pics avec cut off denim shorts, maxi skirts, jumpsuits and cropped tees galore.

As I go through literally hundreds of pictures online I wonder to myself if I will ever get bored of style hunting, then I shake my head and say never!


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