Monday, April 25, 2011

Goss, J

On my continued mission to share the talent I have come across in LA, I am pleased to introduce my friend Jannette Goss, designer and creator of clothing brand Goss, J.

I briefly met Jannette in L.A last summer and had no idea that she was such a talented and ambitious designer.  Now that I am permanently in LA, I have had the opportunity to experience Jannette's work from ideas, design and creation. With the privilege of even trying on her samples.

Born and raised in L.A, Jannette completed a BA in fashion design at the Art Institute of California-Hollywood last summer. Whilst her brand Goss, J focuses on modern vintage, the key to Goss, J is her focus on 70's inspiration.

Below is a sneak peek to the soon to be SS2011 jumpsuit collection:

Yes this is in fact a jumpsuit which cleverly looks like a crop top and trousers from the front (my order has already been put in).

You can contact Jannette and follow her work on Facebook via

And here is the lovely Jannette herself

Watch this space people!


At April 25, 2011 at 9:36 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you for the introduction to this talented young women! Someone is getting a FB friend request tonight.


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